Results for 'Jacqueline S. Johnson'

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  1. Critical period effects on universal properties of language: The status of subjacency in the acquisition of a second language.Jacqueline S. Johnson & Elissa L. Newport - 1991 - Cognition 39 (3):215-258.
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    State Crime, the Media, and the Invasion of Panama.Christina Jacqueline Johns & P. Ward Johnson - 1994 - Praeger.
    Johns and Johnson analyze the invasion of Panama in order to explore the ways in which the War on Drugs has been used as an ideological justification for a projection of U.S. state power into Latin America. They characterize the Bush Administration's reasons for the invasion as cynical ideological rhetoric which covered up strategic interests the United States had in deposing Noriega and replacing him with a more cooperative regime. The authors particularly discuss the role of media coverage, including (...)
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    Bedside Voices.Jacqueline J. Glover - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (3):159-164.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bedside VoicesJacqueline J. GloverThis issue of Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics features ten stories of Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) who work primarily in long-term care. This is a voice of direct care at the bedside that is not often heard. The addition of these stories in the literature is long overdue and I am honored to be asked to comment. There is much to learn from these bedside caregivers. All (...)
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  4. Subjective task value and the Eccles et al. model of achievement-related choices.Jacqueline S. Eccles - 2005 - In Andrew J. Elliot & Carol S. Dweck, Handbook of Competence and Motivation. The Guilford Press. pp. 105--121.
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    Scandals in health‐care: their impact on health policy and nursing.Jacqueline S. Hutchison - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (1):32-41.
    Through an analysis of several high‐profile scandals in health‐care in the UK, this article discusses the nature of scandal and its impact on policy reform. The nursing profession is compared to social work and medicine, which have also undergone considerable examination and change as a result of scandals. The author draws on reports from public inquiries from 1945 to 2013 to form the basis of the discussion about policy responses following scandals in health‐care. In each case, the nature of the (...)
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    Categorising intersectional targets: An “either/and” approach to race- and gender-emotion congruity.Jacqueline S. Smith, Marianne LaFrance & John F. Dovidio - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (1):83-97.
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    Moral distress in nurses at an acute care hospital in Switzerland.Michael Kleinknecht-Dolf, Irena Anna Frei, Elisabeth Spichiger, Marianne Müller, Jacqueline S. Martin & Rebecca Spirig - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (1):77-90.
    Background: In the context of new reimbursement systems like diagnosis-related groups, moral distress is becoming a growing problem for healthcare providers. Moral distress can trigger emotional and physical reactions in nurses and can cause them to withdraw emotionally from patients or can cause them to change their work place. Objective: The aim of this pilot study was to develop an instrument to measure moral distress among acute care nurses in the German-speaking context, to test its applicability, and to obtain initial (...)
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    Hospital inefficiency: What is the impact of membership in different types of systems?Michael D. Rosko, Jose Proenca, Jacqueline S. Zinn & Gloria J. Bazzoli - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (3):335-349.
  9.  20
    The Pedagogical Challenges of Teaching High School Bioethics: Insights from the Exploring Bioethics Curriculum.Mildred Z. Solomon, David Vannier, Jeanne Ting Chowning, Jacqueline S. Miller & Katherine F. Paget - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (1):11-18.
    A belief that high school students have the cognitive ability to analyze and assess moral choices and should be encouraged to do so but have rarely been helped to do so was the motivation for developing Exploring Bioethics, a six-module curriculum and teacher guide for grades nine through twelve on ethical issues in the life sciences. A multidisciplinary team of bioethicists, science educators, curriculum designers, scientists, and high school biology teachers worked together on the curriculum under a contract between the (...)
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  10. Kant on grace: A reply to his critics.Jacqueline Mariña - 1997 - Religious Studies 33 (4):379-400.
    Against those who dismiss Kant's project in the "Religion" because it provides a Pelagian understanding of salvation, this paper offers an analysis of the deep structure of Kant's views on divine justice and grace showing them not to conflict with an authentically Christian understanding of these concepts. The first part of the paper argues that Kant's analysis of these concepts helps us to understand the necessary conditions of the Christian understanding of grace: unfolding them uncovers intrinsic relations holding between God's (...)
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    Selected Letters From Pliny the Younger's Epistulae: Commentary by Jacqueline Carlon.Jacqueline Carlon - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This anthology offers a comprehensive introduction to Pliny the Younger's Epistulae for intermediate and advanced Latin students, with the grammatical, lexical, and historical support to enable them to read quickly and fluidly. As the only selection of the letters with extensive commentary, it provides instructors with a unique and complete resource for students.ABOUT THE SERIESThe Oxford Greek and Latin College Commentaries is designed for students in intermediate or advanced Greek or Latin. Each volume includes a comprehensive introduction. The placement, on (...)
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  12. Monotheism.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2012 - In George Kurian, Encyclopaedia of Christian Civilisation. Blackwell.
    A consideration of monotheism. The term ordinarily suggests belief in one God and derives from the Greek monos meaning “one” and theos meaning “god.” In the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the one god is regarded as supreme lord and creator of the universe, almighty, all-knowing, and all-good. Traditionally, Christianity has taught that God revealed himself to our first parents, Adam and Eve, as the one true God in Genesis. The Old Testament reveals a jealous God who forbids the (...)
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    Reflecting Subjects: Passion, Sympathy, and Society in Hume's Philosophy.Jacqueline Anne Taylor - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Jacqueline Taylor presents an original reconstruction of Hume's social theory, which examines the passions and imagination in relation to institutions such as government and the economy. She goes on to examine Hume's system of ethics, and argues that the principle of humanity is the central concept of Hume's Enlightenment philosophy.
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  14. Catharine Trotter Cockburn on the virtue of atheists.Jacqueline Broad - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (1):111-128.
    In her Remarks Upon Some Writers (1743), Catharine Trotter Cockburn takes a seemingly radical stance by asserting that it is possible for atheists to be virtuous. In this paper, I examine whether or not Cockburn’s views concerning atheism commit her to a naturalistic ethics and a so-called radical enlightenment position on the independence of morality and religion. First, I examine her response to William Warburton’s critique of Pierre Bayle’s arguments concerning the possibility of a society of virtuous atheists. I argue (...)
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    Nietzsche and the Problem of Women’s Bodies.Jacqueline R. Scott - 1999 - International Studies in Philosophy 31 (3):65-75.
  16. Schleiermacher's Christology Revisited: A Reply to his Critics.Jacqueline Mariña - 1996 - Scottish Journal of Theology 49 (2):177-200.
    This article refutes Barth's criticisms of Schleiermacher's Christology/.
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    Imitation in Infancy.Jacqueline Nadel & George Butterworth (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 1999, this book brings together the extensive modern evidence for innate imitation in babies. Modern research has shown imitation to be a natural mechanism of learning and communication which deserves to be at centre stage in developmental psychology. Yet the very possibility of imitation in newborn humans has had a controversial history. Defining imitation has proved to be far from straightforward and scientific evidence for its existence in neonates is only now becoming accepted, despite more than a (...)
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    The Adolescent Resilience Questionnaire: Validation of a Shortened Version in U.S. Youths.Jacqueline R. Anderson, Michael Killian, Jennifer L. Hughes, A. John Rush & Madhukar H. Trivedi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    IntroductionResilience is a factor in how youth respond to adversity. The 88-item Adolescent Resilience Questionnaire is a comprehensive, multi-dimensional self-report measure of resilience developed with Australian youth.MethodsUsing a cross-sectional adolescent population, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to replicate the original factor structure. Over half of the adolescents were non-white and 9th graders with a mean age of 15.5.ResultsOur exploratory factor analysis shortened the measure for which we conducted the psychometric analyses. The original factor structure was not replicated. The exploratory factor (...)
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  19. Women Philosophers of the Seventeenth Century.Jacqueline Broad - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this rich and detailed study of early modern women's thought, Jacqueline Broad explores the complexity of women's responses to Cartesian philosophy and its intellectual legacy in England and Europe. She examines the work of thinkers such as Mary Astell, Elisabeth of Bohemia, Margaret Cavendish, Anne Conway and Damaris Masham, who were active participants in the intellectual life of their time and were also the respected colleagues of philosophers such as Descartes, Leibniz and Locke. She also illuminates the continuities (...)
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  20. Everettian Quantum Mechanics and the Metaphysics of Modality.Jacqueline Harding - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (4):939-964.
    This article sits at a point of intersection between the philosophy of physics and the metaphysics of modality. There are clear similarities between Everettian quantum mechanics and various modal metaphysical theories, but there have hitherto been few attempts at exploring how the two topics relate. In this article, I build on a series of recent papers by Wilson ([2011], [2012], [2013]), who argues that Everettian quantum mechanics’ connections with traditional modal metaphysics are vital in defending it against objections. I show (...)
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    Poíesis educativa.Jacqueline Zapata Martínez - 2003 - Santiago de Querétaro: Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
    Con el libro "Poiesis Educativa", la Fundacion Universitaria de Derecho, Administracion y Politica, S.C. Editorial, da comienzo a la coleccion FUNDAp - Educacion, cuyo proposito fundamental es acoger las creaciones de los estudiosos de la educacion desde sus diversos campos y ambitos de desenvolvimiento. Es un libro que desde el titulo nos propone, nos inquieta, nos reta. La autora expone en el su preocupacion por el hecho de que la conceptualizacion actual de la educacion reduce y socaba a esta, en (...)
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  22. Gilding and Staining and the Significance of Our Moral Sentiments.Jacqueline Taylor - 2010 - Hume Studies 36 (1):89-95.
    In Part 3 of Projection and Realism, P. J. E. Kail offers an original and thought-provoking analysis of Hume's views on morality. Kail seeks to make sense of Hume's talk of projection and realism. Kail's stated aim is to help us understand Hume's own views, rather than some new Humean view. Part 3 is thus a contribution to the literature on Hume's meta-ethics. Kail's particular approach presents two challenges to the student of Hume's works. First, Kail gives us a set (...)
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  23. A Woman's Influence? John Locke and Damaris Masham on Moral Accountability.Jacqueline Broad - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (3):489-510.
    Some scholars suggest that John Locke’s revisions to the chapter “Of Power” for the 1694 second edition of his Essay concerning Human Understanding may be indebted to the Cambridge Platonist, Ralph Cudworth. Their claims rest on evidence that Locke may have had access to Cudworth’s unpublished manuscript treatises on free will. In this paper, I examine an alternative suggestion – the claim that Cudworth’s daughter, Damaris Cudworth Masham, and not Cudworth himself, may have exerted an influence on Locke’s revisions. I (...)
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  24. Is it ever morally permissible to select for deafness in one’s child?Jacqueline Mae Wallis - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (1):3-15.
    As reproductive genetic technologies advance, families have more options to choose what sort of child they want to have. Using preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), for example, allows parents to evaluate several existing embryos before selecting which to implant via in vitro fertilization (IVF). One of the traits PGD can identify is genetic deafness, and hearing embryos are now preferentially selected around the globe using this method. Importantly, some Deaf families desire a deaf child, and PGD–IVF is also an option for (...)
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    A facilitator's reflection on the democratizing potential of emancipatory practice development.Jacqueline Peet, Karen A. Theobald & Clint Douglas - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3).
    Emancipatory practice development (ePD) is a practitioner‐led research methodology which enables workplace transformation. Underpinned by the critical paradigm, ePD works through facilitation and workplace learning, with people in their local context on practice issues that are significant to them. Its purpose is to embed safe, person‐centred learning cultures which transform individuals and workplaces. In this article, we critically reflect on a year‐long ePD study in an acute care hospital ward. We explore the challenges of practice change within systems, building collective (...)
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    Slicing Up the Utopian Pie.Jacqueline Dutton - 2020 - Utopian Studies 31 (2):325-333.
    This article merges the intellectual concept of utopia and the material culture of the pie as a metaphor to explore the relative hegemony of Judeo-Christian utopian literature and criticism. Citing Lyman Tower Sargent's contributions to opening up scholarship on comparative utopias, the author underscores his influence on her own thinking and publications on the topic. The study traces parallels between intellectual and material cultures, especially in French, Japanese, and Indigenous Australian contexts. In conclusion, it suggests that contemporary transformations in writing (...)
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    Giving Voice to the Voiceless: The Colorado Response to Unrepresented Patients.Jacqueline J. Glover, Jean Abbott & Deb Bennett-Woods - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 28 (3):204-211.
    Medical decision making on behalf of unrepresented patients is one of the most challenging ethical issues faced in clinical practice. The legal environment surrounding these patients is equally complex. This article describes the efforts of a small coalition of interested healthcare professionals to address the issue in Colorado. A brief history of the effort is presented, along with discussion of the legal, ethical, practical, and political dimensions that arose in Colorado’s effort to address decision making for unrepresented patients through an (...)
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  28. Understanding Stability in Cognitive Neuroscience Through Hacking's Lens.Jacqueline Anne Sullivan - 2021 - Philosophical Inquiries 1 (1):189-208.
    Ian Hacking instigated a revolution in 20th century philosophy of science by putting experiments (“interventions”) at the top of a philosophical agenda that historically had focused nearly exclusively on representations (“theories”). In this paper, I focus on a set of conceptual tools Hacking (1992) put forward to understand how laboratory sciences become stable and to explain what such stability meant for the prospects of unity of science and kind discovery in experimental science. I first use Hacking’s tools to understand sources (...)
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  29. Reconsidering 'spatial memory' and the Morris water maze.Jacqueline Anne Sullivan - 2010 - Synthese 177 (2):261-283.
    The Morris water maze has been put forward in the philosophy of neuroscience as an example of an experimental arrangement that may be used to delineate the cognitive faculty of spatial memory (e.g., Craver and Darden, Theory and method in the neurosciences, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 2001; Craver, Explaining the brain: Mechanisms and the mosaic unity of neuroscience, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007). However, in the experimental and review literature on the water maze throughout the history of its use, (...)
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    Governing Adolescent Reproduction in the ‘Developing World’: Biopower and Governmentality in Plan’s ‘Because I’m a Girl’ Campaign.Jacqueline Potvin - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (1):118-133.
    In this article, I analyse the discursive construction of adolescent pregnancy and childbearing as a development ‘problem’ in Plan’s ‘Because I’m a Girl’ campaign. I draw on existing scholarship that configures teenage pregnancy prevention campaigns in the ‘developed’ world as a site of biopolitics that seeks to maximise the well-being of the population by governing adolescent girls’ reproductive and sexual behaviours. Identifying Plan’s campaign as part of a larger turn towards adolescent girls in development discourse and policy, I also draw (...)
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  31. Managerialising Death.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2013 - Law Society Gazette.
    The Liverpool Care Pathway is intended as a palliative care regime at the end of life. Even its critics agree that certain of its recommendations may be useful and appropriate. Additionally, critics are aware that there are occasions when death may be a foreseen side effect of perfectly licit palliation whose primary ends are not homicidal at all. It is evident that treatment may be over-expensive, over-burdensome or simply futile. There is no suggestion that critics of the Pathway adhere irrationally (...)
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    (1 other version)La Volonté de Savon.Jacqueline Zinner - 1978 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1978 (36):215-225.
    Nothing could be more private or more social than sex. It is this unique characteristic of human sexual patterns that has resulted in a long and harried controversy among critical social theorists, a controversy largely dominated by white males steeped in the Judaeo-Christian tradition and focused on the significance of sexuality to the revolutionary demand for social and political transformation. Voices from leftist circles have been scattered but loud, ranging from Lenin's straight-laced bunkum, which treated sexuality as an insignificant and (...)
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  33. Selfhood and Self-government in Women’s Religious Writings of the Early Modern Period.Jacqueline Broad - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (5):713-730.
    Some scholars have identified a puzzle in the writings of Mary Astell (1666–1731), a deeply religious feminist thinker of the early modern period. On the one hand, Astell strongly urges her fellow women to preserve their independence of judgement from men; yet, on the other, she insists upon those same women maintaining a submissive deference to the Anglican church. These two positions appear to be incompatible. In this paper, I propose a historical-contextualist solution to the puzzle: I argue that the (...)
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  34. Making Sense of Kant’s Highest Good.Jacqueline Mariña & West Lafayette - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (3):329-355.
    This paper explores Kant's concept of the highest good and the postulate of the existence of God arising from it. Kant has two concepts of the highest good standing in tension with one another, an immanent and a transcendent one. I provide a systematic exposition of the constituents of both variants and show how Kant’s arguments are prone to confusion through a conflation of both concepts. I argue that once these confusions are sorted out Kant’s claim regarding the need to (...)
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  35. New Frontiers in Translational Research: Touchscreens, Open Science, and the Mouse Translational Research Accelerator Platform (MouseTRAP).Jacqueline Anne Sullivan - 2021 - Genes, Brain and Behavior 20 (1):e12705.
    Many neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases and other brain disorders are accompanied by impairments in high-level cognitive functions including memory, attention, motivation, and decision-making. Despite several decades of extensive research, neuroscience is little closer to discovering new treatments. Key impediments include the absence of validated and robust cognitive assessment tools for facilitating translation from animal models to humans. In this review, we describe a state-of-the-art platform poised to overcome these impediments and improve the success of translational research, the Mouse Translational Research (...)
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    Rob’d of Glories: The Posthumous Misfortunes of Thomas Harriot and His Algebra.Jacqueline A. Stedall - 2000 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 54 (6):455-497.
    Summary This paper investigates the fate of Thomas Harriot's algebra after his death in 1621 and, in particular, the largely unsuccessful efforts of seventeenth-century mathematicians to promote it. The little known surviving manuscripts of Nathaniel Torporley have been used to elucidate the roles of Torporley and Walter Warner in the preparation of the Praxis, and a partial translation of Torporley's important critique of the Praxis is offered here for the first time. The known whereabouts of Harriot's mathematical papers, both originals (...)
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    The Relationship of Leadership Style and CEO Values to Ethical Practices in Organizations.Jacqueline N. Hood - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (4):263 - 273.
    This study analyzes the relationship between CEO values, leadership style and ethical practices in organizations. The ethical practices of formal statement of ethics and diversity training are included in the study, as well as four categories of values based on Rokeach's (1973) typology including personal, social, competency-based and morality-based. Results indicate that all four types of values are positively and significantly related to transformational leadership, with transactional leadership positively related to morality-based and personal values, and laissez-faire leadership negatively related to (...)
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    The two cyruses: Models of machiavellian humanity and harshness for republican leaders.Jacqueline Hunsicker - 2013 - History of Political Thought 34 (1):19-34.
    This article treatsMachiavelli's exploration of the two versions (Herodotean and Xenophontic) of Cyrus in his Prince and Discourses. This article is novel insofar as most commentators on Machiavelli do not treat the fact that there are two Cyruses and thatMachiavelli uses them to make different points about princely and republican leadership. The Xenophontic Cyrus serves as an example of humanity--albeit a complicated example -- while the Herodotean Cyrus serves as an example of harshness. This article aims to show how a (...)
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  39. Margaret Cavendish and Joseph Glanvill: science, religion, and witchcraft.Jacqueline Broad - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38 (3):493-505.
    Many scholars point to the close association between early modern science and the rise of rational arguments in favour of the existence of witches. For some commentators, it is a poor reflection on science that its methods so easily lent themselves to the unjust persecution of innocent men and women. In this paper, I examine a debate about witches between a woman philosopher, Margaret Cavendish , and a fellow of the Royal Society, Joseph Glanvill . I argue that Cavendish is (...)
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    The Role of Physicians in the Allocation of Health Care: Is Some Justice Better than None?Jacqueline Glover - 2019 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 29 (1):1-31.
    Physicians traditionally have been given role-specific obligations to promote the well-being of their individual patients, one patient at a time. They are not expected to be concerned with how health care is best allocated between patients, or with how health-care allocations compare to other social goods and services. The assumption seems to be that our society’s health-care allocation should be the cumulative result of individual clinical decisions made on behalf of individual patients. In this view, physicians are the gatekeepers of (...)
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    Rethinking Central Bank Accountability in Uncertain Times.Jacqueline Best - 2016 - Ethics and International Affairs 30 (2):215-232.
    There has been little discussion of central bank accountability in recent decades because monetary policy has been seen as an essentially technical problem. Yet, during the 2008 financial crisis and the economic dislocations that ensued, central banks gained considerably in authority—bailing out failing institutions, using unorthodox monetary tools, and wading into sovereign debt crises. At the same time, the financial crisis and the slow recovery that has followed have revealed just how uncertain and volatile the global economy can be—a situation (...)
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  42. Mary Astell on Marriage and Lockean Slavery.Jacqueline Broad - 2014 - History of Political Thought 35 (4):717–38.
    In the 1706 third edition of her Reflections upon Marriage, Mary Astell alludes to John Locke’s definition of slavery in her descriptions of marriage. She describes the state of married women as being ‘subject to the inconstant, uncertain, unknown, Arbitrary Will of another Man’ (Locke, Two Treatises, II.22). Recent scholars maintain that Astell does not seriously regard marriage as a form of slavery in the Lockean sense. In this paper, I defend the contrary position: I argue that Astell does seriously (...)
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    Shifting the Geography of Reason as Praxis.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (1):7-20.
    The Caribbean Philosophical Association’s project of shifting the geography of reason requires five specific commitments of attunement: (1) to the languages we use, (2) to our expressive and perceptive capacities, (3) to the communities in which we are engaged and the ones we aspire to engage within, (4) to building culture through political struggle, and (5) to our situatedness and irreducible interconnectedness. Each of these commitments is developed toward identifying the mutually constructive relationship between communicology and creolization.
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    Not in My Name.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2012 - New Law Journal 162:81.
    A useful case against voluntary euthanasia. This short article summarises at least ten reasons why voluntary euthanasia should not be legalised.On the subject of voluntary euthanasia she argues that institutionalizing medically assisted death - erodes respect for human life, underestimates human capacity for error and vice and is intrinsically discriminatory. She argues that it plays into the hands of illicit interests and trades on an improper understanding of human autonomy. She warns against dismissing “the army of corporate, financial, medical and (...)
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    (2 other versions)Experiencing contingency and agency.Jacqueline Nadel, Ken Prepin & Mako Okanda - 2005 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 6 (3):447-462.
    Precursors of inferential capacities concerning self- and other- understanding may be found in the basic experience of social contingency and emotional sharing. The emergence of a sense of self- and other-agency receives special attention here, as a foundation for self-understanding. We propose that synchrony, an amodal parameter of contingent self-other relationships, should be especially involved in the development of a sense of agency. To explore this framework, we have manipulated synchrony in various ways, either by delaying mother’s response to infant’s (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Aristotle as A-Theorist: Overcoming the Myth of Passage.Jacqueline Marina & Franklin Mason - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2):169-192.
    Debate about the nature of time has been dominated by discussion of two issues: the reality of absolute time and the reality of A-series. We argue that Aristotle adopts a form of the A-theory entailing a denial of the reality of absolute time. Furthermore, Aristotle's denial of absolute time is linked to a denial of the reality of pure temporal becoming, namely, the idea that the now moves through a fixed continuum along which events are arranged in chronological order. We (...)
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    Scientists’ Views on the Ethics, Promises and Practices of Synthetic Biology: A Qualitative Study of Australian Scientific Practice.Jacqueline Dalziell & Wendy Rogers - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (6):1-20.
    Synthetic biology is a broad term covering multiple scientific methodologies, technologies, and practices. Pairing biology with engineering, synbio seeks to design and build biological systems, either through improving living cells by adding in new functions, or creating new structures by combining natural and synthetic components. As with all new technologies, synthetic biology raises a number of ethical considerations. In order to understand what these issues might be, and how they relate to those covered in ethics literature on synbio, we conducted (...)
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  48. Damaris Masham on Women and Liberty of Conscience.Jacqueline Broad - 2019 - In Eileen O’Neill & Marcy P. Lascano, Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation of Women’s Philosophical Thought. Springer, NM 87747, USA: Springer. pp. 319-336.
    In his correspondence, John Locke described his close friend Damaris Masham as ‘a determined foe to ecclesiastical tyranny’ and someone who had ‘the greatest aversion to all persecution on account of religious matters.’ In her short biography of Locke, Masham returned the compliment by commending Locke for convincing others that ‘Liberty of Conscience is the unquestionable Right of Mankind.’ These comments attest to Masham’s personal commitment to the cause of religious liberty. Thus far, however, there has been no scholarly discussion (...)
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    Justice and the Foundations of Social Morality in Hume's Treatise.Jacqueline Taylor - 1998 - Hume Studies 24 (1):5-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XXIV, Number 1, April 1998, pp. 5-30 Justice and the Foundations of Social Morality in Hume's Treatise JACQUELINE TAYLOR Hume famously distinguishes between artificial virtues and natural virtues, or, at one place, between a sense of virtue that is natural and one that is artificial. The most prominent of the artificial virtues are those associated with the practices of justice. Commentators have devoted much attention (...)
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    Decadent Philosophy's Misunderstanding of the Body and the Artistic Flourishing of Culture: Comments on Nietzsche on the Decadence and Flourishing of Culture.Jacqueline Scott - 2020 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 51 (2):221-230.
    ABSTRACT This article, presented in January 2020 to the North American Nietzsche Society at the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meeting, is a commentary on Andrew Huddleston's 2019 monograph, Nietzsche on the Decadence and Flourishing of Culture. The focus is on Nietzsche's critical and positive arguments about the psychological and physiological nature of decadence, Nietzsche's conception of cultural health, and the role of art and artists in Nietzschean flourishing cultures.
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